Post-surgical care is crucial for good recovery after wisdom teeth removal. This includes knowing what to eat and what not to eat to speed up the healing process, prevent trauma to the wound, and improve your overall oral health in the long run.

If you are getting your wisdom tooth removed soon, this blog read can help you know what food and drinks are good for your recovery, as well as other tips to help you out.

About the Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth, or the third molars, are the last teeth to come out. Ideally, you should have 4 wisdom teeth. One on either side of the upper and lower jaw. They are the last molar teeth and should erupt when you are in your late teens or early twenties.

However, the wisdom teeth are not exactly the most “wise” of your teeth. As they emerge late in your life, all your other teeth would have already occupied most of the space in your jaw. So, the third molars usually do not have enough room to properly come out. So, they tend to become impacted. This means some or all parts of the tooth remain buried in the bone.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

An impacted or angled wisdom tooth can cause several problems such as pain, tooth decay, bad breath, gum swelling, and infection. As a preventive treatment, some patients consider getting them removed before any of these symptoms arise.

But, if you are already experiencing wisdom tooth-related concerns, our team at Arbutus Station Dental can help ease your worries with expert wisdom tooth removal.

What happens after wisdom tooth removal?

Here’s what you can expect after getting your wisdom tooth removed and some tips to guide you during recovery:

Immediately after…

Some discomfort and bleeding are normal within a few hours after your treatment. Bite on gauze with cotton to put pressure on the wound and control the bleeding. Take your medications as prescribed to relieve post-treatment pain and avoid possible complications. Partake in a liquid diet to improve comfort after your tooth extraction.

Within 24 hours…

Stick to soft foods and drink plenty of fluids on your first recovery day. This will prevent unnecessary trauma to the extraction site. It will also boost your immune system to help with better healing. Avoid disturbing the extraction site to prevent dislodging the clot over it. This clot is full of nutrients that are essential to your recovery.

After 3 – 5 days…

During this time, you can start your transition to normal foods. Slowly introduce foods such as cheese, eggs, and other tasty soft foods. But, continue to avoid hard and crunchy foods as they may affect your healing. Jaw and facial swelling may still be visible which can be relieved with a cold compress applied directly to the area.

After a week…

While the usual symptoms after extraction may no longer be present, the wound is still vulnerable to hard and crunchy foods like taco shells, chips, and crunchy bread. Avoid these until the sockets are fully healed.

Your dentist will also require that you return to the office after 7 days so they can remove your stitches and check your recovery progress.

Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Discomfort in your jaw area and the extraction site is expected after wisdom tooth removal. This soreness will make it difficult for you to eat your usual foods.

But, remember that a balanced diet is crucial to your recovery. So, during this period, you should consume soft and nutritious food. This will boost your immune system and promote ideal healing. Some foods that are good for your recovery are:

Soft and Easy-to-Chew Foods

  • Warm broth
  • Bouillon
  • Smoothies
  • Thin cheese
  • Pureed produce (applesauce)
  • Soft bread
  • Tofu
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Noodles
  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • Ice cream

Nutrient-Rich Options

  • Blended soups
  • Steamed (soft) vegetables
  • Mashed pumpkin
  • Bananas
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Avocado
  • Greek yogurt
  • Salmon
  • Hummus

In particular, salmon is rich in protein and healthy fats which can reduce inflammation to aid in wound healing. Fruits and vegetables are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre which are important nutrients for your healing body. Just make sure they are soft enough to be consumed as gently as possible.

Foods to Avoid

Several types of food may slow down your healing. They may irritate the open wound, disturb the blood clots, or cause trauma to the socket.

During your recovery period, avoid consuming:

  • Spicy and hot foods – may cause pain and irritation.
  • Crunchy foods (chips, hard cookies, toast, popcorn) – food particles enter the extraction site and cause infections.
  • Chewy foods (peanut butter, caramel, jerky) – may dislodge the blood clots over the wound.
  • Anything that requires a straw – the suction from the straw may also disturb your clots and increase complications after surgery.
  • Highly acidic foods – may cause a burning sensation on the open extraction site and may also cause irritation.
  • Alcohol – may interact negatively with your prescribed medications.

Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

The recovery period after getting your wisdom tooth removed is different for everyone. Some only need a few days, while others may take a few weeks to fully recuperate.

Healing is highly dependent on the difficulty of the surgical process and how strict you follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions. Aside from knowing what food to eat and not to eat, here are other important tips you should follow to ensure optimal healing:

  • Rest. Listen to your body and allow it to rest so it can heal on its own.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Take the prescribed medications.
  • Practice good oral hygiene. But avoid brushing the socket for 3 days. You can use an antibacterial rinse instead to flush the wound.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for 2-3 days after surgery.

If symptoms such as persistent bleeding and severe pain are still present after a week of surgery, call your dentist so they can check for possible complications.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Kitsilano, Vancouver

If your wisdom tooth is bothering you, call our office at Arbutus Station Dental today and let us help you discover if you need to have it removed. We have a highly skilled team of dentists in Kitsilano and a friendly team to provide you with a safe and comfortable dental experience.

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