Maintaining good oral health goes beyond just brushing and flossing. Sometimes, restorative dental procedures are necessary to remove existing disease, protect the healthy tooth structure, and restore the tooth to optimal health. Dental crowns are among the restorative treatments that can offer a reliable solution to a damaged or decayed tooth.

Dental crowns are essentially tooth caps that are placed over weakened teeth to preserve and strengthen the remaining tooth structure. They are custom-made in size, shape, and colour to match your natural teeth. Restoring a tooth with a dental crown prevents widespread decay and infection which can ultimately lead to tooth loss.

For patients in Kitsilano, Vancouver, understanding the significance of dental crowns is key to making informed decisions about their dental health. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of dental crowns, why you may need them, the procedure involved, and more.

dental crowns - vancouver

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer a variety of benefits to the oral health and the overall wellbeing which makes them a popular choice for restoring teeth. Here’s why you might consider getting a dental crown:

Protection and reinforcement of damaged teeth

Crowns cover weakened teeth to act as a protective cap, preventing further decay and damage. This is essential especially after root canal treatment which can render the tooth brittle and prone to breakage.

Restoration of normal function

Crowns restore the strength of your tooth, allowing you to bite and chew normally. This means you can eat your favourite food without discomfort.

Smile improvement

If you have a decayed, discoloured, broken, or misshapen front tooth, a dental crown can be done to help improve the appearance of your smile. This involves colour-matching the restoration with the rest of your teeth so it blends seamlessly with your smile.

Stabilization of adjacent teeth

Crowns can prevent further damage to the tooth that can eventually lead to tooth loss. This will effectively keep surrounding teeth in place to avoid future alignment issues and bite problems.

Longevity and durability

Dental crowns, especially those made with zirconia material, are made to last many years. Their strength and longevity, even with daily wear and tear, make them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

The Dental Crown Procedure

If you are looking to get dental crowns, here is a step-by-step overview of the procedure:

  1. Initial Consultation

First, your dentist will assess the affected tooth and take X-rays to determine the severity of the decay or damage. X-rays are important to help your dentist evaluate the remaining healthy tooth structure, the tooth root, and the surrounding bone to ensure that the tooth can support a crown.

  1. Tooth Preparation

Local anaesthesia will be placed to numb the area and allow your dentist to smoothly shape the tooth to make space for the crown. If there is too much tooth damage, a composite build-up may be required to reinforce the tooth and make it more sturdy for a crown restoration.

  1. Impression Taking

An impression, which may be digital or using a putty-like material, will be made and sent to the dental lab where your custom crown is crafted.

    1. Temporary Crowns
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    1. While you wait for your permanent crown, your dentist will place a temporary crown over the prepared teeth to protect it from sensitivity and breakage.

      1. Crown Fitting and Placement

Your new, custom-made crown is fitted and adjusted accordingly so it matches your other teeth and your bite. Then, it is permanently cemented in place to complete your new look.

vancouver dental crwons

Aftercare and Maintenance

Proper care of your dental crown is crucial to its longevity. Here’s what you need to do to make sure they stay beautiful and functional in the long run:

Immediate Post-Procedure Care

      • Avoid sticky or hard foods – For the first 24 hours, avoid eating foods that are too hard, crunchy, or sticky as this may cause unnecessary strain on the newly placed crown.
      • Manage sensitivity – Some sensitivity may be felt when consuming something too hot or cold. Use a sensitivity toothpaste to alleviate the discomfort.

Long-Term Maintenance

      • Practice good oral hygiene – Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride-rich toothpaste and floss daily to prevent plaque build-up around the crown.
      • Visit your dentist regularly – Patients with dental crowns are recommended to visit the dentist every 6 months for routine check-up and cleaning. This way, they can monitor the condition of your crown and provide early intervention for budding problems.
      • Use a nightguard – If you are prone to teeth grinding, consider using a nightguard to protect the crown and the rest of your teeth.
      • Avoid bad habits – Refrain from chewing on hard objects, like ice or pens, as this can damage the crown.

Potential Issues with Dental Crowns and How to Handle Them

While dental crowns are generally very reliable, some issues can arise along the way. Here are some tips you can do to address common problems should they come up:

      • Crown Loosening of Falling Off – If your crown becomes loose, contact your dentist immediately. If the crown remains intact, it may be possible for your dentist to put it back in place.
      • Sensitivity – This is a common problem for dental crowns immediately after placement. It should resolve on its own or you can use a toothpaste specifically for sensitivity. Should the problem persist, consult with your dentist so they can identify any underlying problem.
      • Chipping or Cracking – Crowns made from porcelain can chip or crack if you bite down on something too hard or due to a direct blow to the crown. Small chips can be repaired, but larger ones may require a replacement crown.

The Cost of Dental Crowns in Vancouver

The cost of dental crowns in Vancouver ranges from $1,431 – $1,753. This ultimately depends on the preparatory procedures to be done, amount of tooth structure left, and material to be used for the crown.

Affordable dental crowns can be made using a metal-porcelain material. This is made using metal underneath a porcelain layer to provide a strong yet natural-looking restoration. Meanwhile, crowns made from zirconia offer the best durability that can withstand heavy chewing, making it an ideal crown for molar teeth.

You can discuss these options with your dentist so they can give you a better idea of the most suitable crown for your case and the corresponding cost it entails.


Dental crowns are a versatile, durable, and reliable solution to dental issues involving a decayed or damaged teeth. They offer both functional and aesthetic benefits to keep your smile both healthy and beautiful for many years to come.

Whether you need to protect a weakened tooth, restore your smile, or cover aesthetic imperfections such as tooth discolourations, a dental crown could be the right choice for you. At Arbutus Station Dental, our experienced team is here to guide you through the process and help you understand whether a crown is best for you.

Book a consultation today to learn more about dental crowns!

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