Dental implants offer a fully-functional, natural-looking, and permanent replacement for missing or lost teeth. The treatment involves surgically placing an implant post in the jawbone. This will act as the tooth root and will support the future artificial tooth to effectively restore your smile.

While the treatment will result in a restoration that looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth, the journey to get to that end goal can be a little complicated. Some may even say it is frightening due to the fact that a surgical procedure is involved to fix the implant in the mouth.

But, do not worry! At Arbutus Station Dental, we are here to discuss dental implant surgery and answer the question “Are Dental Implants Painful?” with this short read. Knowing what to expect with surgery can help improve your preparation for a more positive treatment experience.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

Let’s get right to it… dental implant surgery at Arbutus Station Dental involves key steps to ensure that the procedure will be relatively painless. So, you can feel relaxed and comfortable while our team does their best to give you your beautiful and healthy smile back.

You will be numbed with anaesthesia

Usually, local anaesthesia is applied to numb the area where the dental implant will be placed. This only affects the specific area where the anaesthesia is administered. But, if you are to undergo other preparatory procedures, such as a bone graft or sinus lift, or need to have multiple implants placed, general anaesthesia may be recommended. In this type of anaesthesia, you will be completely unconscious until the procedure is completed.

Sedation may also be used

Your dentist may also prescribe oral sedation or laughing gas. These are sedation options that can also address pain during dental implant surgery to improve your overall surgical experience.

What to expect immediately after surgery

During surgery, when the anaesthetics are in effect, you will mostly feel numb and relaxed. However, when the effect of the sedative is gone, this is a whole different story. You may feel some level of discomfort in the affected area, which is normal for a few days after surgery. It is best to follow your dentist’s post-surgical guidelines to relieve pain and improve your comfort during recovery.

Overall, on a ten scale, a pain level of 2 or 3 is experienced by many patients during surgery. This is quite normal for any surgical operation. But, after treatment, the pain level can go up to 4. Ultimately, the surgery and recovery experience is different for everyone. It may depend on pain threshold, treatment complexity, and aftercare.

Now that we have answered this pressing question, let’s get to some of the other common pain-related dental implant questions that we get from patients…

How Long Does Dental Implant Pain Last?

Pain and discomfort immediately after dental implant surgery may last for a few days. This is normal and should be properly managed with pain medications. You should feel better after five days post-surgery.

However, this is not always the case for everyone. In rare situations, pain may persist for a year or more if there was a complication during treatment or recovery or if there is implant failure. You may feel throbbing pain on the implant area or pain whenever you bite or chew.

Common causes of implant pain are:

  • Misaligned Implant – If the implant is placed too high in the mouth, you may experience an uncomfortable sensation whenever you use it to chew or bite.
  • Infection – Poor oral hygiene may cause bacteria to seep into the implant and gums to cause a dental infection in the area. Some signs that may indicate this are pain when biting, swollen gums, and a gumboil.
  • Unstable Implant – A loose implant may occur if the bone around it has failed to fuse with the post or if the bone is degenerating. This can be due to heavy pressure on the area, periodontal disease, nutrient deficiency, or due to smoking.
  • Nerve Damage – If the implant is accidentally positioned near the nerve or if an inexperienced dentist nicked a nerve, pain may persist for a long time after implant surgery.

While these are some possible scenarios, keep in mind that it occurs for very few patients. With an experienced and skilled team that can do effective treatment planning and efficient implant surgeries, you should be in safe hands. Our team at Arbutus Station Dental takes pride in safe and successful implant treatments for many of our happy patients.

Is Removing a Tooth Implant Painful?

If you encounter any of the above reasons for implant pain, it may be recommended by your dentist to have the implant removed. For this procedure, anaesthetics will be in place for an almost entirely painless procedure. You may request for a local or general anaesthesia depending on your comfort level.

What is the Most Challenging Part of Getting Dental Implants?

The success of implant treatment depends heavily on three things— proper treatment planning, efficient surgical procedure, and ideal recovery. The first two things are dependent on your dentist. With the right team, you can trust that the implant treatment will run according to plan.

So, for most patients, the most challenging part is recovery. As you will mostly be on your own during the healing phase, following the dentist’s advice on what to do and not do is crucial to ensure that pain is kept at bay and the treatment will be successful. If you adhere strictly to these guidelines, you should experience a smooth and easy recovery.

Conclusion — Pain-Free Implant Surgery is Achievable

At Arbutus Station Dental, we are committed to your comfort before, during, and after your implant treatment. With that, we have effective protocols in place to keep you relaxed and pain-free during dental implant surgery and recovery.

So, do not be scared about getting implants! Our team will guide you throughout your entire journey so you can feel more at ease. Contact us today if you want to learn more about the dental implant procedure!

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