Root canal treatment involves a series of procedures that eliminate existing bacteria and prevent reinfection of a severely decayed or damaged tooth. Done correctly, this treatment effectively preserves the tooth to ultimately prevent possible tooth loss.

To answer the question, a root canal treatment can take 30 – 90 minutes, but this can vary greatly depending on certain factors that can affect treatment time.

Learn more about root canal duration and treatment and how long you can expect your root canal to take with our short read below.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is recommended if there is severe decay and extensive damage to the tooth that dental fillings can no longer fix. Instead of opting for tooth extraction, root canal can save the tooth.

The procedure is done by cleaning the inside of the tooth, or the canal/s, removing bacteria, and medicating the tooth to avoid re-entry of bacteria. This will preserve the tooth in the long run and help restore it to good health.

how long does root canal take

Factors Affecting the Duration of a Root Canal

The length of a root canal procedure can vary based on several factors. Such include:

  1. Complexity of the Case
    a. Tooth Anatomy – Teeth with multiple roots, curved roots, and complex canal systems take longer to treat.
    b. Location of the Tooth – Molars, or the back teeth, have up to 4 canals that can be longer. They are also located far back which can be difficult to reach. This can take longer to complete than the front teeth.
  2. Extent of Infection or Damage – Teeth with extensive infection, decay, or abscess may require more time for cleaning and disinfecting.
  3. Patient Factors – Patients with an existing infection, such as gum disease, may require a longer treatment time due to high bacteria levels in the mouth that can affect successful canal disinfection.
  4. Dental Equipment – Modern dental facilities are equipped with advanced imaging and automated instruments and equipment that can help with a faster procedure.
  5. Dentist’s Experience – An experienced and skilled endodontist can perform a root canal procedure quicker and more efficiently compared to a less experienced practitioner.
  6. Need for Additional Procedures
    a. Post Preparation – If a post is recommended as support for a severely decayed or damaged tooth, this will add to the procedure duration.
    b. Crown Placement – Cases that require placement of a crown during or after the procedure can contribute to a longer treatment time.

Typical Duration of a Root Canal Procedure

Depending on certain considerations, root canal treatment can take up to an hour or more. For more simple cases such as easily accessible front teeth with larger canals and fewer anatomical variations, the treatment can be done in under an hour. But for more complex treatments, your dental visit can last up to 1.5 hours.

The entire procedure typically requires 1 – 3 appointments to complete. While this sounds like a long time, the treatment should be smooth and relatively pain-free.


Root canal and the length of time required to complete it differs for everyone. Some may take just one, under an hour visit, while others may take longer. A bespoke treatment plan will be created and discussed by your dentist so you can have a better idea of the procedure.

If you think you need a root canal, call us today to book your appointment.

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