The enamel is the hardest substance in the body and makes up most of the tooth structure. It provides strength to the tooth so you can bite and chew your favourite food. However, despite being strong and resilient, the enamel still has its limits. A direct or forceful blow or excessive wear can cause a chipped or broken tooth enamel.

A chipped tooth can range from a small, jagged tooth surface to a more extensive fracture. It can also be painless or may cause some sensitivity. At Arbutus Station Dental, we offer a broad range of dental treatments to properly diagnose and restore your tooth.

Carry on reading to learn about these treatment options and emergency first aid care for a chipped or broken tooth.

What are the leading causes of chipped teeth?

A chipped tooth is one of the most common dental injuries and it may occur due to several reasons. Such include:

  • Biting down on hard substances such as ice or hard candy
  • Accidents during play
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Falls or car accidents
  • Teeth grinding or bruxism
  • Excessive wear and tear causing weakened enamel
  • Weakened tooth due to decay or cavities
  • Genetically weak enamel such as with enamel hypoplasia

What to do if a permanent or adult tooth is chipped, cracked, broken, or knocked out?

Usually, a chipped tooth should not be painful. However, if there is significant damage to the tooth due to trauma or if the tooth has been completely knocked out, sensitivity, pain, or swelling can be experienced. You may take pain relievers as a first aid measure. A cold compress can also help improve comfort.

Aside from these, here are other important tips for a chipped or broken tooth.

Chipped Tooth

A chip on the tooth is not a dental emergency, so you can get away with delaying your dental visit. However, a jagged tooth surface may feel irritating to the tongue and may worsen if left untreated. Repair for a chipped tooth is essential to avoid further damage to the remaining tooth structures and to restore your smile.

Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth happens when a crack line extends from one side of the tooth to another. Depending on the position of the crack, you may experience tooth sensitivity or a loose tooth. Diagnosis of a cracked tooth is important because it determines the treatment to be done. This can be a simple tooth restoration or possible root canal treatment.

Broken Tooth

A broken or fractured tooth occurs when a larger chunk of the tooth breaks off. If the break already involves the tooth nerve, your dentist may consider root canal treatment or tooth extraction.

Knocked-out Tooth

When it comes to a knocked-out tooth, knowing what to do as a first aid measure can make all the difference between saving your tooth and losing it. Gently dust off debris on the tooth, then place it in a container with milk or your saliva. If you can take it to your dentist within an hour, there is a better chance that they can put the tooth back.

Treatment Options for Chipped Teeth

The extent of the damage is the basis for the treatment to be done. Superficial chips and breaks can be restored with simple tooth bonding, but a sizable tooth fracture needs proper assessment to determine if the tooth can still be saved.

Dental Bonding

Composite bonding is a quick and easy fix to a chipped tooth. It uses a tooth-coloured composite to restore the shape of the tooth. It is ideal for a small chip on the front tooth.

Dental Fillings

This treatment also uses a composite resin material that is layered and shaped over a broken tooth to repair its appearance and function. This is best for the back teeth which need additional strength for daily wear and tear.

Dental Veneers

If you want a more natural-looking repair for your chipped tooth, you may want to consider porcelain dental veneers. It is customized to your preferred size, shape, and colour and effectively masks minor smile imperfections such as a chipped tooth. Porcelain is stain and wear-resistant so it is a great long-term investment.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are a more durable option for a chipped or fractured tooth, so it may be recommended by your dentist if there is a larger damage. It is a tooth cap that covers the entire tooth, ideal for enhanced structural support.

Arbutus Station Dental offers metal-porcelain, porcelain, or zirconia crowns. Ideally, porcelain crowns are best for the front teeth as they provide the most lifelike finish. Meanwhile, zirconia crowns have superior durability for the restoration of a broken back tooth.

Root Canal Treatment

If the tooth pulp or nerve is exposed due to a broken or chipped tooth, a root canal is the first treatment of choice. This procedure cleans the inside of the tooth, removing debris and bacteria to restore the tooth to optimal health. After the root canal treatment, a crown is made to preserve the tooth.

Tooth Extraction

However, if there is widespread infection or if there is a deep break or large crack on the tooth, tooth extraction may be a better option. This is the last resort if root canal treatment is not a viable solution. After a tooth extraction, our dentist will discuss tooth replacement options such as a dental bridge or implant.

How much does a chipped tooth cost to fix?

The cost to fix a chipped or broken tooth depends on the selected treatment plan. Ultimately, a smaller chip on the tooth costs significantly less than if there is a large crack and a root canal treatment and crown are needed.

The cost also depends on the material of choice. For dental veneers, composite or porcelain are possible options with the former being more affordable than the latter. And for a dental crown, metal-porcelain is the most budget-friendly while zirconia is a more expensive option.

Chipped or Broken Tooth in Kitsilano

At Arbutus Station Dental, we provide personalized treatment options to our patients depending on their smile goals, budget, and lifestyle. Contact us today to book an appointment with our smile specialists and to learn which procedure is ideal for your smile.

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