If you are experiencing pain in the back of your mouth or if you find it difficult to open your mouth to speak and eat, the wisdom tooth may be to blame. The wisdom teeth often emerge in the mouth during the late teens or early twenties. And there are many wisdom tooth symptoms that you may experience but the most common one is severe pain.

At Arbutus Station Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with a safe and comfortable wisdom tooth removal experience. This includes thorough diagnosis, detailed treatment planning, and a comprehensive surgical process and recovery guide.

What are wisdom teeth?

The wisdom teeth, or the third molars, are the last teeth in your dentition. They often come out when you are a little bit “wiser”, usually around your 20s. But if you are at this age and you do not see any teeth at the far back of your mouth, do not worry because an impacted wisdom tooth is fairly common.

An impacted wisdom tooth happens when there is not enough space for the tooth to come out. This usually occurs when the jaw is too small to accommodate the tooth. So, instead of the tooth being properly aligned with the rest of your teeth, it remains partially or fully embedded in the bone. This is where most of the problem with the wisdom tooth occurs.

Why do the wisdom teeth need to be removed?

There are a handful of patients who are lucky with their wisdom teeth. But, for the majority of us, the wisdom teeth are accompanied with several dental diseases. Such is the reason why they need to be removed.

They are impacted

Whether partially or fully impacted, some common concerns that may arise with your wisdom teeth are severe pain and jaw joint problems. Most find it difficult to go about their regular days because of difficulty in speaking and eating.

Tooth decay, cavities

Because the wisdom teeth are too far back in the mouth, you may find it difficult to brush and floss them. Food debris and bacteria may accumulate and cause tooth decay. 

Gum swelling

An impacted wisdom tooth can remain trapped in your gum. If this occurs, food may become trapped under the gum flap and cause gum swelling. This can be extremely painful and may result in infection.

Jaw pain and bite concerns

An impacted wisdom tooth may move the other teeth out of the proper alignment. This can cause bite problems and strain your jaws resulting in severe TMJ pain.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

At Arbutus Station Dental, the general process of surgical wisdom tooth removal involves 4 steps:

  • Consultation and Planning

First, we assess your scans to determine the exact position of the impacted wisdom tooth. This helps with planning how to safely access the tooth for easy removal.

  • Anesthesia

Then, anesthesia is administered to improve your overall experience. Some patients with dental anxiety may be considered for oral sedation. But, our skilled dentists can provide you with a comfortable treatment with routine local anesthesia.

  • Wisdom Tooth Removal

Once the area is numbed, the tooth is expertly accessed. Depending on the position of the tooth, gums may be flapped open and some bone may be removed. To help with ease of removal, the tooth may also be sectioned into parts.

  • Sutures

Lastly, the gum is stitched close to facilitate better recovery and faster healing. This prevents food and other debris from going into the wound and causing infection. After a week, your dentist may ask you to return to remove the suture and to do a progress check.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

The process of recovery from a wisdom tooth extraction is different for every patient. But the key is to follow your dentist’s post-operative guidelines. This will prevent complications that may impede your healing.

The recovery period may last days or weeks

Healing time is dependent on the difficulty of the case. The deeper the wisdom tooth is in the bone, the longer your recovery may be. It may take a few days before you can go back to normal functions with full recovery taking up to 2 weeks.

Take the prescribed medications

The usual medications after wisdom tooth removal are pain relievers and antibiotics. These are important to relieve any discomfort and to prevent infection of the wound. Take these medications as prescribed to aid in your recovery.

Rest and a healthy lifestyle are vital

Take care of your body by indulging in rest and relaxation. A balanced diet with healthy foods also helps with ideal healing.

Leave the wound undisturbed

A blood clot will naturally form on top of the wound as it heals. This is vital for your recovery because it is full of nutrients that will help with optimal wound closure. Avoid brushing the area and be gentle with mouth rinsing to prevent dislodging the clot.

Other post-extraction guidelines that you should remember include:

  • Do not drink from a straw
  • Use an ice pack on swollen cheeks
  • Avoid vigorous mouth rinsing
  • Stick to a soft diet for a week
  • Avoid smoking

Some discomfort and bleeding are normal within the first 1 – 2 days of your recovery. But if this persists, call your dentist so they can take a closer look.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Kitsilano, Vancouver

You might need a wisdom tooth removal if they are already causing pain or if other symptoms such as decay or gum swelling are present. Our dentists at Arbutus Station Dental may also recommend preventive removal of wisdom teeth before problems arise. 

If you are wondering if you need to have your wisdom tooth removed, call us today to book your appointment. With proper diagnosis, we can help you make the best decision for your oral health and smile.

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